Big Ticket Movies

As the Avengers and their allies continue to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero, a new danger emerges: Thanos, who threatens the fate of Earth and life itself.

Captain Marvel gets caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between two extraterrestrial races.

After his father goes missing, Tim joins forces with his dad's partner, Detective Pikachu, to unravel the mystery, and, in the process, uncovers a plot that could destroy the peaceful co-existence between humans and Pokémon.

After a terrible accident, Dr. Stephen Strange loses his ability to operate but finds new purpose when a mystical being known as the Ancient One reveals that Dr. Strange is the newly designated Sorcerer Supreme.

Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Batman and his new ally Wonder Woman recruit Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash to help them save the planet from a newly awakened enemy.

Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a forest kingdom until an invading army threatens the harmony. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector but she suffers a betrayal that begins to turn her pure heart to stone.

A seemingly ideal day turns disastrous when California's notorious San Andreas fault triggers a devastating, magnitude 9 earthquake. As the Earth cracks open and buildings start to crumble, Ray Gaines, an LAFD search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, must navigate the destruction to bring his estranged wife and their only daughter to safety.

From the horribly beautiful mind of writer/director James Gunn comes the superhero action adventure "The Suicide Squad," featuring a collection of the most degenerate delinquents in the DC lineup.

After leaving her all-female island for the first time, Wonder Woman discovers her full powers and true destiny while fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars.