Happy September! We're almost to 2021. Celebrate with the superheroes of September! Continue reading to see which movies will bring the action to a screen near you!
2 Guns Sept 15 - Oct 14: For the past year, DEA agent Bobby Trench and U.S. Navy intelligence officer Marcus Stigman have been working undercover as members of a narcotics syndicate. The twist: Neither man knows that the other is an undercover agent. When their attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel and recover millions goes haywire, the men are disavowed by their superiors. Trench and Stigman must go on the run lest they wind up in jail or in a grave.
Avengers: Infinity War Sept 1 - 30: As the Avengers and their allies continue to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero, a new danger emerges: Thanos, who threatens the fate of Earth and life itself.

Black Panther Sept 1 - 30: After the death of his father, T'Challa, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king. But when a powerful old enemy reappears, T'Challa's mettle as king-and Black Panther-is tested when he is drawn into a formidable conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people and their way of life.
Captain America: Civil War Sept 1 - 30: Political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability when the actions of the Avengers lead to collateral damage. The new status quo deeply divides members of the team. Captain America believes superheroes should remain free to defend humanity without government interference. Iron Man sharply disagrees and supports oversight. As the debate escalates into an all-out feud, Black Widow and Hawkeye must pick a side.
Dreamgirls Sept 1 - 30: Set in the turbulent early 1960s to mid-70s, the tale follows the rise of a trio of women--Effie, Deena and Lorrell--who have formed a promising girl group called The Dreamettes.
Edge of Tomorrow Sept 1 - Oct 1: In a near future, an alien race has hit the Earth in an unrelenting assault. Major William Cage finds himself thrown into a time loop-forcing him to live out the same combat over and over, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Sept 15 - Oct 14: Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea -- including him. Captain Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artifact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Sept 17 - Oct 16: In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves.
Solo: A Star Wars Sept 17 - Oct 16: Young Han Solo finds adventure when he joins forces with a gang of galactic smugglers and a 190-year-old Wookie named Chewbacca. Indebted to the gangster Dryden Vos, the crew devises a daring plan to travel to the mining planet Kessel to steal a batch of valuable coaxium. In need of a fast ship, Solo meets Lando Calrissian, the suave owner of the perfect vessel for the dangerous mission, the Millennium Falcon.
Star Wars: A New Hope Sept 17 - Oct 16: In a distant galaxy, a long time ago, young Luke Skywalker assembles his motley crew of allies including space rogue Han Solo and two "droids" -- C3PO and R2D2 -- to rescue Princess Leia, the rebel leader of her planet, from the clutches of the evil Empire as embodied by its enforcer Darth Vader.
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Sept 17 - Oct 16: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian and their small army of friends rescue Han Solo from the clutches of the menacingly ugly Jabba the Hutt and go on to do battle with the Empire, even after Darth Vader has broken off in his own rebellion.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Sept 17 - Oct 16: Luke Skywalker and his loyal band team up to do battle with Empire's forces who decide to enact revenge. Yet, Luke is empowered by the Jedi master Yoda in learning to master the "Force", something he will need when he meets Darth Vader in a startling confrontation.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Sept 17 - Oct 16: The First Order, risen from the ashes of the defeated Empire, seeks to destroy the last remaining Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who has gone missing. Skywalker's former pupil, evil Kylo Ren, leads the hunt while the Resistance races to find Skywalker first. General Leia Organa guides heroic newcomers, including Rey, defected Stormtrooper Finn, pilot Poe Dameron, and globular droid BB-8, along with Han Solo and Chewbacca, as the dark side clashes with the light over the fate of the galaxy.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Sept 17 - Oct 16: Rey develops her newly-discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepare to do battle with the First Order.
Sully Sept 1 - 30: On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the "Miracle on the Hudson" when Captain "Sully" Sullenberger glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 aboard. However, even as Sully was being heralded by the public and the media for his unprecedented feat of aviation skill, an investigation was unfolding that threatened to destroy his reputation and his career.
The Legend of Tarzan Sept 1 - 30: It has been years since the man once known as Tarzan left the jungles of Africa behind for a gentrified life as John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, with his beloved wife, Jane at his side. Now, he has been invited back to the Congo to serve as a trade emissary of Parliament, unaware that he is a pawn in a deadly convergence of greed and revenge, masterminded by the Belgian, Captain Leon Rom. But those behind the murderous plot have no idea what they are about to unleash.

The Lego Batman Movie Sept 1 - 30: Lego Batman discovers there are big changes brewing in Gotham. If he wants to save the city from the Joker's hostile takeover, Batman may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe learn to lighten up.
The Lego Movie Sept 1 - 30: Emmet is an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly under-prepared.
The Lego Ninjago Movie Sept 1 - 30: The battle for NINJAGO City calls to action young Master Builder Lloyd, aka the Green Ninja, along with his friends, also secret ninja warriors. Led by Master Wu, as wise-cracking as he is wise, they must defeat the evil warlord Garmadon, who also happens to be Lloyd's dad. Pitting father against son, the epic showdown tests these fierce but undisciplined modern-day ninjas as they learn to check their egos and pull together to unleash the inner power of Spinjitzu.